Making a difference, in difficult times

Jan 2021 replay Return to news list

Shining a light on some of the charitable works from Internet Videocommunications’ staff in 2020

In a year that caused a great deal of uncertainty, turmoil and distress it’s important to shine a light on the acts of kindness that made things a little better and more bearable for our local communities. On a national level, we came together to applaud the NHS from our doorsteps and decorated our windows with rainbows in a show of solidarity for NHS workers.  We saw countless examples of charity and selfless spirit in the face of adversity, perhaps best epitomised by Captain Tom, in the run up to his 100th birthday, walking laps of his garden to raise money for the NHS and an initial target of £1,000 that soon grew to over £30 million. And in our own small way, we at Internet Videocommunications have tried to do our bit to support and brighten the lives of our own communities.

It quickly became apparent at the start of the pandemic that national healthcare services were facing an incredible strain, not least in meeting the huge demand for PPE. The team at Internet Videocommunications, together with their families, set about making masks and scrubs for their local hospitals.  Woven blankets and knitted red hearts were donated to various charities including Brighter Futures, which is aligned to Great Western Hospital. One member of staff volunteered for St Johns Ambulance, to be called upon, should local healthcare become strained, to deliver prescriptions to those most vulnerable. Another conducted counselling for past colleagues, friends and acquaintances and also, through a local agency with links to a local church, provided mental health support.

Some at Internet Videocommunications continued to do much needed charity work in their communities by giving to foodbanks, delivering food parcels, helping at local shelters and in soup kitchens and also preparing Christmas packages for underprivileged children. Others turned to helping the environment, from reducing plastic use to making their own soaps and household cleaners. 


Naturally, many of our colleagues also used their vast technical expertise to help relatives and acquaintances to keep in touch, setting up cloud video services for some people to experience for the very first time. And, in one instance, one of the team has enabled church services to continue by bringing the congregation together remotely.

So let us recognise and applaud these good deeds and the valuable voluntary work carried out by everyone, nationally and locally. Whatever the size of each act, when they are all combined together, they make a very difficult time so much easier. And, whilst each of us may have a different personal experience during the pandemic, one constant is that we can all make a difference.